Now With Wifi Statistics!
Just a quick blurb about this new integration. Now that a wireless GUI has been built I’ve updated the status-devices page as well. For wireless devices you can now see their signal strength, connection speed and on which network and wireless interface they are connected to.
I also fixed the “Delete Lease” function so it actually works. This is used by clicking on the device’s lease countdown timer in the last column. For wireless devices this will also disassociate them from the wifi. I think this function was originally added just as a way to force devices to renew their leases, or as a way to remove devices from the table that are no longer connected. So it’s not a way to deny them network access. What happens after deleting a lease I’ve noticed depends on the device. Smart phones will re-associate and ask for an IP over DHCP. Some IOT devices will reconnect but will not ask for a new IP, and instead continue using the previous IP