GL-MT6000 – A New Wireless GUI !!!

A Wifi GUI for the GL-MT6000 has now surfaced and is now ready to use!

tldr: Check out this post for an in depth look at the new Wifi GUI.

I feel like this is a really great milestone in the project. It really cements that not only does Tomato Firmware have a future in the router space, but in the wireless router space as well.

When I first saw the specs for the GL-MT6000, I knew I had to have it, and that I wanted to attempt a port of Tomato64 to it.  In retrospect, I don’t think I could have chosen a better router for this undertaking, I kind of got lucky. The GL-MT6000 sports a Mediatek chipset, a brand well known for its dedication to open source driver support, arguably the best in the industry, and a favorite of Open Source router communities.  It’s a worthy successor and a generational improvement to past supported Tomato routers.

Historically Tomato was shackled to routers using broadcom chipsets. While decent for their time and generation, one major disadvantage with broadcom chipset routers is their closed source components.  Being closed source meant that Tomato on broadcom could never upgrade its kernel.  It’s possible to do some backports, and amazingly someone even managed to get wireguard up and working. But ultimately you’re stuck with a 2.6 kernel that EOL’d in 2011, 14 years ago at this point.

Tomato64 on the GL-MT6000 however runs a modern mainline Linux kernel, stable version 6.6.x at this point, making it the most Open Tomato Wifi router ever! Now with this latest update it’s possible to setup the Wifi with a newly implemented Wifi GUI.  While rudimentary it is  functional and I think has most features you’d be looking for when setting up Access Points.  More features will be implemented as time goes on, so this still isn’t the end all be all.  For a more in depth overview of the new Wifi GUI check out this forum post.  I’ve begun work on the status-devices page so you’ll be able to view on what network and radio wireless devices are attached to along with their signal strength

The Wifi GUI is available in the latest release and Nightly builds so go check it out!


  1. Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста а возможно как-то поставить русский язык в ВЭБ интерфейсе, или tomato64 только на английском языке

    1. Unfortunately only English is supported in the Web interface. It is the same in FreshTomato from which Tomato64 is descended. Many years ago I believe the “shibby” mod began an internationalisation effort, but it made it difficult to keep in sync with other Tomato variants at the time, so was ceased.

      It is something I have thought about, and Tomato is used by people of many nations. I would really like to support other languages, but I also don’t want to make staying in sync with FreshTomato difficult. For the time being hopefully you can use the browser to help aid with translation.

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